
How To Share A Word Document

When collaborating on a Microsoft Word Document with your collegues, sharing the document equally updates are fabricated or reviews are required is a continuous part of the collaborative process.

There are a number of means to share a Word Document, although still commonly used, the old email back and forth is a method that has since been outdated by some easier and frankly libation systems designed to make sharing elementary.

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In this post, nosotros will talk you through 3 better ways to share your Microsoft Word certificate and leave you to decide which is best for your team.

one. Utilize a Dedicated Sharing and Collaboration Tool

With and so many of us facing the same issues when trying to share and collaborate on Microsoft Discussion Documents, dedicated tools such every bit Simul Docs were built with sharing and collaboration in mind.

With Simul, you lot can easily share your Word document with your team while Simul manages the version control for you. Upload your document to Simul Docs, and then share information technology with your team either via electronic mail, a straight link, a shared cloud system or any of the other sharing options Simul offers and allow them know yous are prepare for their edits or notes.

Once your colleague makes a change to your document, a new version will exist created and saved. You will exist alerted that someone in your team has fabricated an update to the certificate and you can go along collaborating together while Simul manages the version control on your behalf.

When you have reached a final version and would like to share the document outside of your team, or as a PDF to a client, colleague or company uncomplicated select the method that best suits your client to receive the file (dropbox, email, direct link, cloud shared drive etc) and click ship as a PDF. Within seconds you have shared your document with someone outside of your team.

The merely downside in using a dedicated sharing tool built for collaboration is the additional cost. Nearly tools accuse a fee per month or per user and while oft a small fee, this may not fit within all companies budgets.

On the plus side, these tools brand working together in discussion easy. You will never have to transport documents back and forth again, leaving you with a clean inbox and peace of mind that no changes, updates or edits will be missed. Plus the version command is managed for y'all, it really is collaboration made easy.

2. Apply a Shared Cloud Storage Drive

If yous are in a team of more than 2 people information technology is likely you lot are using some form of shared drive to salve and store your files. Whether that be a Dropbox, Google Bulldoze, OneDrive or some other amazing Cloud storage system.

Shared Drives allow y'all to salvage and store all of your documents in one place. Each squad member then has remote access to your files, without having to email them back and forth. You can edit a Word Document, update the version number and save information technology back onto the shared drive for the rest of your team to open at any fourth dimension.

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On the plus side, shared drives provide y'all with one centralised spot for all of your documents, saving you lot emailing them back and forth. They offer easy access to people outside of your organization and are a toll effective way to store and share files.

The downsides to using a Shared Drive is that yous still need to notify your team that in that location is a new version saved in the Shared Drive for them to review. This doesn't have to mean an email message, information technology could be a ping on Slack or your IM System, and then while it's non every bit clunky it is notwithstanding a two-step sharing process.

The other downside is there is no version control. Your shared drive can quickly end upwards looking similar a mess of file names and numbers, while your team go creative calculation _Final_updated_FINALFINAL to the cease of your certificate without actually knowing if that is the final version or not.

A messy shared drive may almost exist as painful as a chaotic e-mail inbox?

3. Utilize an Intranet Tool

Intranet tools such equally Microsoft SharePoint have sharing features built-in that make sharing your Word Certificate easier.

Sharepoint makes sharing your documents piece of cake, its in its proper name afterward all!

You can click 'Share' at anytime so select how you would like to share your document. Once yous've selected your sharing method only type in the names of the people you wish to share with and their editing rights and click 'Share'.

Wooloa, simply like that your certificate has been shared with whomever you selected and they will exist notified that the file is ready for them.

The all-time part of Intranet Tools such as Sharepoint is information technology does exactly as it is supposed to, makes sharing your Word Document easy. You can share to a specific shared drive, or directly via email at the click of a push and the sharing feature comes included in your existing Microsoft 365 subscription.

The drawbacks to Intranet tools is that information technology does require that Microsoft 365 subscription. If you lot are not on Microsoft 365 you lot will need to pay the annual feel to sign up and outset using Sharepoint.

To sum information technology upwardly…

In that location are a lot of different ways to share your Microsoft Discussion Documents. Now that you are armed with all of the information bachelor we suggest yous await at your organisation and consider other factors that will aid you in making the correct decision.

Purpose-built sharing tools are amazing but practise come up with a fee. Although the fee can be modest this may be outside of your financial capabilities at this time.

Your team may already be used to working on your existing Shared Drive, Dropbox or Google Bulldoze system and information technology could be as simple as some re-training on how to all-time use the shared system or doing a deep cleanse of the files and processes you already accept in place.

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Practise some research and conversation with your team leaders.

Don't dismiss the option of a new sharing tool likewise rapidly, they are purpose-built to solve this very problem and most, such as Simul Docs offers a costless trial or examination flow and so yous can attempt before you purchase.

How To Share A Word Document,


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