
How To Make 50k Web Templates

Create a website that creates 50k - 1 million page views per month [Experts Tips]

11/26/2019 12:00 AM by Seo Guru in Techie

Create a website that creates 50k - 1 million page views per month: Experts Tips?

In this first post we will explain our experts view on how to create a website professionally and then step by step get a promotional place and then earn from it. By using this  tips / methods I have gained over 50K-10m views on my website per month. Look at the professionally build website like google searched, wordpress, google news, google analyze, googlebot analytics, u tub (youtube), facebook etc... they did same and so do you.. Now, lets start.

Firstly, why do we need a Website?

Website is a fundamental thing in this digital era, from business to any profession needs a website today. It makes a vital importance in the growth and sustains the immortality in a business. From every website a new search base is evolved and so does a thread in a digital era.

Here is are the Tips / Tricks used by the digital industry Experts -

Tip 1 -

SELECTION - Select an easy platform like blogspot, wix ,wordpress etc to create a website It just saves a lot time and efforts. Always save a prototype as it become handy every time.

Tip 2 -

LOOKOUT-  For the sole Purpose of website. Choose a niche / topic of a website. It may be a news website, jobs website any desired interest goal you want.  Use some low competitive keywords- Use our free Keywords generator tool.

Some will say keywords do not work anymore but trust me it surely does it just a myth.

Tip 3 -

RESEARCH – Browse for the best. Lookout other websites having similar content use it as a reference in every aspect. Try to add more value. Use info graphics create one.

Tip 4 -

BUY AND BUILD- Choose an easy, short domain and get it registered. Likewise, a  .com has the highest domain authority choose a similar kind whatever suits your budget while you create a website. Purchase a web hosting Link it by adding the CNAMEs with the website. If your budget is flexible or your hosting allows use an always use an SSL cert like Https it make website safe and secure (not a cloudfare one as it suppress your website speed never compromise  with speed because your  SERPs ranking depends one Speed quotient ).

Tip 5 -

Try to make build it in a professional way. The theme of website should be catchy according to your genre of website. Use a light and speedier website theme. Use our WebPage Speed Tester.

Contd….Read more more tips

Conclusion -

It is always benefits to get these tips handy every time you create a website. As our experts make it always easy to understand and implement upon. Try our Free Pro SEO Tools provide SEO and digital marketing software. Yippee…! All the software is free of cost here.

    - SEO GURU

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How To Make 50k Web Templates


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